Project Description

Naples City Council

Naples has a seven-member City Council consisting of a Mayor and six council members who are nonpartisan and elected at large. Serving four-year terms, City Council members and the Mayor are limited to two consecutive terms per the City Charter.

The Mayor’s Office and City Council Office are located on the second floor of City Hall and can be reached by phone at 239-213-1000, by fax at 239-213-1010 or by email. To email Mayor Heitmann, Vice Mayor McCabe, or individual City Council Members, please click on their name below:

– Mayor Teresa Heitmann

Vice Mayor Terry Hutchison

Council Member Raymond Christman

– Council Member Beth Petrunoff

Council Member Bill “Coach” Kramer

Council Member Linda Penniman

Council Member Berne Barton

To email key staff members, please click on their name below:

City Clerk Patricia Rambosk

City Attorney Matthew McConnell