By Pam Nicholls GSAC Board Member
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As of Thursday, December 14, the coast of Southwest Florida continues to be in an “Abnormally Dry to Moderate Drought” according to the U.S Drought Monitor. Coastal areas received 42 inches of rain this year, about 13 inches below normal. Water levels in underground aquifers that supply water to most of the region have dropped. The situation north of Naples is worse. The Tampa Bay, St Petersburg and Sarasota municipalities are experiencing “Extreme Drought.”

The South Florida Water Management District announced in November that it would ask residents in Southwest Florida to conserve water amid continuing, dry conditions. If voluntary conservation efforts prove not to be enough, and if a substantial amount of rain doesn’t fall, the SFWMD may invoke mandatory water use restrictions.

Without significant rainfall, further decline in groundwater levels is anticipated over the dry season (November – May).

Condo Associations are being encouraged to ensure irrigation timers and settings are correct and systems are inspected regularly for leaks or damaged sprinkler heads. All landscape irrigation should comply with the City’s allowed days and times. The City is asking residents on reclaimed water not to irrigate between the hours of 10:00 am – 4:00pm.

We can also help conserve water by reducing the amount of time we spend showering, minimizing loads of laundry, and only running dishwashers when full.

Read more Simple Steps to Save Water.

Learn more about the importance of water conservation.

Read the Declaration of Water Shortage Warning SFWMD 2023-062