The City of Naples has received four more applications from Verizon Wireless for the installation of small cell towers in the City’s rights-of-way. Three of the locations are on Gulf Shore Boulevard North – just south of Park Shore Drive, just north of Park Shore Drive and just north of Harbour Drive.

Of the 19 approved Verizon cell towers in Naples, seven have been deployed but so far only four are operational including the one installed last spring at 2880 GSBN. The purpose of these new structures is to improve cellular communications in the neighborhood with 4G and, potentially, 5G technology. Information on small cells can be found HERE.

The City has limited ability to regulate these facilities due to State laws under Florida Statutes 337.401 that promote small cell technology. These regulations restrict governments from prohibiting their placement in the public right-of-way, although cities can govern aesthetic standards. In 2019, the City adopted Aesthetic Design Standards, which have since undergone amendments since that time.

The photo depicts the existing and proposed cell towers. Construction commences within 90 days of permit approval and finalizes within 270 days. The City expects to release permits for the four new installations any day.

Florida Statute 337.401


City of Naples Aesthetic Design Standards


Website for Small Cell Permits