GSAC will host its 3rd Annual Water Quality Forum “Building Naples Coastal Resiliency” on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, beginning at 9:00am at the Naples United Church of Christ, 5200 Crayton Road. The forum will open with a 1-hour panel discussion followed by up to 1 hour for audience Q&A.

We are delighted that Councilman Ray Christman will again be moderating this important community event on the environment.

This year’s panelists will be:

Chad Washburn Jenna Phillips Brett Moore
Vice President, Conservation at the Naples Botanical Gardens. He will discuss “Protecting our Beaches thru Dune Restoration and Native Plant Revegetation” Cummins Cederberg Coastal and Marine Engineering. Her topic will be “Best Practices in Coastal Storm Risk Management” President/Principal Engineer, Humiston & Moore, Consulting Coastal Engineers. Brett will talk about “Elements of a Plan for Protecting the Gulf Shore Boulevard Beaches”

You will not want to miss this event…so please mark the date on your calendar now. More details and registration information will be sent at the beginning of February.