About GSACNaples

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So far GSACNaples has created 244 blog entries.

2024 – 2025 GSAC Board of Directors Meeting Schedule

March 11, 2025 - Board Meeting  Monaco Beach Club  - 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Agenda | Presentation Materials   April 8,2025 - Board Meeting Monaco Beach Club - 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Agenda | Presentation Materials   May 13 Workshop Bayshore Place/Virtual - 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Agenda | Presentation Materials


3rd Annual Water Forum: Building Naples Coastal Resiliency

The third annual GSAC Water Quality Forum was held on February 25, 2025. Attendance hit a new record with over 300 residents and community leaders from across the city and county participating. City Councilman Ray Christman again served as moderator. This year’s theme was “Building Naples Coastal Resiliency.” Ray led off the forum by outlining [...]


ACE Calls Time Out on Coastal Storm Management Study

By Pam Nicholls, GSAC Board Member Submit questions or feedback online   Those who attend the regular monthly meetings of The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to hear the latest developments on Collier County’s federally funded Coastal Storm Risk Management Study were surprised to learn that the $5.97m project will run out of money by May. The reason [...]


Park Shore Beach Project Reaches Halfway Mark

By Pam Nicholls, GSAC Board Member Submit questions or feedback online  The Park Shore Beach Renourishment project entered its sixth week on February 24th and is over the halfway point when it comes to sand placement with 172,150.02 tons delivered in about 8200 truck loads. Project Manager Larry Humphries confirmed the project had reached 1000ft north of [...]


Fun in the Sun, What’s On in March

Have family in town for Spring Break? We’ve gathered together some ideas to entertain the young and not so young! Your Boat Club at Park Shore Marina  This is a relatively new location for Your Boat Club, the multi-state enterprise that specializes in boat-sharing memberships and rentals across Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois and Florida. YBC started [...]


Update: GSBN Medians

By Stan Karpf, GSAC Board Member Submit questions or feedback online  A year ago this month, members of the City of Naples Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Department, formerly the Community Services Department, began the multi-month-long clean-up and replanting of the Gulf Shore Boulevard North medians. As you remember, the median plantings were severely damaged by Hurricane Ian [...]


NCH Heart, Vascular and Stroke Center Construction Gets Underway

By David Feight, GSAC Board Member Submit questions or feedback online  NCH and their construction team met with community leaders and neighbors on January 30, 2025, to present plans for the initial stage of construction of the new, highly anticipated R.M. Schulze Family Cardiovascular and Stroke Critical Care Center at Baker Hospital in downtown Naples. The project [...]

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