3rd Annual Water Forum: Building Naples Coastal Resiliency

The third annual GSAC Water Quality Forum was held on February 25, 2025. Attendance hit a new record with over 300 residents and community leaders from across the city and county participating. City Councilman Ray Christman again served as moderator. This year’s theme was “Building Naples Coastal Resiliency.” Ray led off the forum by outlining [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:30:41+00:00February 27th, 2025|Events, News|0 Comments

Coastal Resiliency a Priority for Penniman

By Pam Nicholls GSAC Board Member Submit questions or feedback online  Former Vice Mayor Linda Penniman was in attendance at our April GSAC Board of Directors meeting. The Councilwoman was returned by popular vote to Naples City Council after a five-year gap. She is keen for Council to work closely with our community, particularly on resiliency measures [...]

By |2024-04-24T16:20:41+00:00April 24th, 2024|News|0 Comments
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